Card art was taken from danbooru with the assumption that if the artist is fine with their art being on danbooru, they are likely to be fine with it being used in a non-profit project with proper credit. Every artist is credited individually on every card in an easy-to-spot place.
Deckmeister - Morfa Edition, made by Drentel.
Made with HTML, CSS, pure JS and spite for the current state of the web.
This is an early version - expect bugs and save often.
Readymade decks can be found > HERE <
The editor needs you to import cards before you'll be able to make a deck out of them. Cards are contained in repositories:
Morfa Original (English): Original (Ukrainian): Cards: import, copy the link to the "Repository URL" field to the left and click on "Add Repository". Click on cards to do stuff.
If a repository gets updated, just add it again. Old versions will be automatically replaced with new ones and all new cards will appear in the list.
It is recommended that you also press the "Refresh Deck" button every time you re-pull the repository to update all of the cards that are already in your deck (actual images will always be up-to-date, but info like costs won't without this button press)
Don't touch these unless you know what you're doing
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